Been working on a dog ramp for one of my repeat customers. She has a lot of vintage furniture throughout her house including her bedroom that she wanted to match the look of. I went with bead board and wider trim.
In order to not waste the space of the cavity I left her an opening in the front for any knickknacks/plants that she wants to put in and an opening in the back to use as a sort of secret compartment since it will be up against the bed on that side. At request from the customer I also went with dowels to plug holes made for the recessed screws and left some of the brad nail holes to give it an older look instead of hiding all of the fasteners. When the material is decided I will be adding it so the lucky dog doesn’t slip while using it. #creationsbyjeff #ilovemyjob #custom #custommade #wood #woodworking #workwithyourhands #selftaught #ibuild #imake #icreate #carpenter #maker #alwaysbuilding #vegas #vegaswoodworker #vegascarpenter #vegaslocal #702 #dogramp #hiddenstorage